Archive for the 'Photography Tips' Category

Can I use an old flash on a new camera?

Well…yes, no, maybe. It depends on the flash and the camera. Most point and shoot cameras don’t allow for any kind of additional flash to be connected directly to the camera. Not to say you can’t still use additional flash equipment. More on this further down. If you have a hot shoe mount on your [...]

Getting focused!

How well you focus a picture can make or break it. Moreover, knowing what to focus on is also very important. With action such as sports, the moment is often over as soon as it has begun, giving you only one chance to capture it. Today’s auto focus cameras are quite quick and accurate but [...]

Protecting your investment

So you’ve got some new camera equipment, and can’t wait to use it! Great! There are some basics you should know about how to take care of that investment.  Cameras and lenses don’t like extremes of anything…heat, cold, storms, etc.  Actually, no electronic equipment does very well with water, rain or snow. A few drops is OK, [...]

Film or Digital?

Now, with that title, you may be thinking I must be a bit of a dinosaur, and maybe I am…but seriously, film may still have a place (even though you won’t ever see Kodachrome again). Today, digital cameras are everywhere. You can buy them in camera stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, just about everywhere. They are [...]

Loupey photo hint!

Hey, here’s a great hint. Have you ever needed a loupe to see negatives, slides photos, or just to have a small magnifying glass? A good loupe can be quite costly. However, a low cost solution is to buy a used 50 mm lens, even a really old one that doesn’t work…as long as the [...]

How to pick a camera

As a news photographer, people always asked me “which camera should I buy”. My response depended on what the person wanted. Often, they didn’t know what they wanted themselves until I focused in on a few areas (pun intended!) and asked a few questions. Question one to ask yourself: Do you want to learn about [...]

Make your photos look GREAT!

Ever wonder why some photographs look great and others don’t? Are you constantly looking at other people’s photographs and wishing yours looked just as good? Do you open the newspaper and ooh and aah over the photos that the pros take on a daily basis? Well, I can help. I`ve been a professional photographer and photojournalist [...]